Introducing Our Very Own “First Family” of Point Hope

After years of planning and behind-the-scenes work on the vision and development of Point Hope, we’re absolutely thrilled to welcome our very own “First Family”! Lauren and Cameron Hackett are literally the very first residents to move into their new Point Hope home in the First Light neighborhood. We recently sat down with them to learn more about what attracted them to Point Hope and what they are looking forward to the most!

Where did you move from?
{Lauren} We were living in Cameron’s grandfather’s house and trying to decide what’s next.
{Cameron} And then we found out Lauren was pregnant so that really sparked the need for something bigger. We originally thought we would renovate my grandfather’s house or build on the lot next door but eventually decided that wasn’t where we wanted to be.
How did you first learn about Point Hope?
{Cameron} I work for David Weekley Homes so I was familiar with the community. One day, we decided to drive over here so Lauren could see it. We saw the Publix and businesses, which is great. It wasn’t long before we realized there were three brand new schools here, too. Then we visited the Weekley model home and Lauren fell in love immediately.
{Lauren} From the model home, we walked over to “our house” which was in the process of being built. Then I just looked at Cameron and asked, “Can we get this house?”
Is the location of Point Hope convenient for you?
{Lauren} Absolutely. My parents live on Daniel Island so it’s going to be great to have our baby boy’s grandparents so nearby. I work in Mount Pleasant so it’s a quick and straight shot down Hwy. 41 for me.
{Cameron} And I have projects throughout the region so it’s also very convenient for me.

What are your favorite features of your home?
{Cameron} I’ve built about 150 David Weekley Homes in my career and once you’ve lived in one, you understand and appreciate the quality of materials that are used. So that’s a big plus for me. Along with the 10 foot ceilings and the open layout, which can accommodate a lot of people. Also, the showers are very cool!
{Lauren} The natural light is my favorite thing about the house. But I also like the layout a lot. The baby’s room is right next door to our bedroom so that will be very convenient.
What attracted you to Point Hope?
{Cameron} We definitely saw the value in this community from the very beginning. I know how the DI Development Company works and how everything is intentionally thought out. It’s not just thrown together, ‘we’re gonna get it done in 12 months and move on to the next one.’ This is a long term vision and project.
{Lauren} We’re excited to see what the community looks like in 5 – 10 years. Our goal is to just keep moving around Point Hope for the next 30 years! Maybe one day have a home on the waterfront here.
What are you looking forward to the most about living in Point Hope?
{Lauren} Well, we already got a golf cart! So that’s been fun. But I’m also already planning on how our son will be able to ride his bike to school and friends’ houses. We’re looking forward to having a pool in the community, too.
{Cameron} The playground in First Light is already a popular spot and I’m excited to take the little man there eventually. For us, I think we’re most looking forward to having everything we need here and not having to leave! The Publix is a phenomenal grocery store with the nicest people working there. There’s a dentist. And we know more businesses are going to continue to come here. I’m looking forward to eventually having a sports bar!